Construction Imaging Adopts ProStor Systems’ ProStor InfiniVault

Imaging and document management solution VAR introduces InfiniVault to the construction industry.

Imaging and document management solution VAR introduces InfiniVault to the construction industry.

By DE Editors

Construction Imaging has adopted ProStor Systems’ ProStor InfiniVault product line as a storage solution for its integrated system offerings.

Construction Imaging, which provides imaging systems,  business process re-engineering solutions, document management, workflow management, and enterprise content management solutions to the construction industry, recently installed ProStor InfiniVault systems at S.T. Wooten Corporation and Complete General Construction. Todd Williams, senior vice president of Operations and CFO of Construction Imaging, supported the decision to select ProStor InfiniVault after spending several months researching other technologies.
“We provide and automate our customers’ document storage needs and create efficiencies from a workflow perspective,” he said. “The main requirements that are most important to our customers are the system’s longevity, scalability, meeting legal compliance requirements, and price. When comparing ProStor InfiniVault against other technologies, we found that the ability of the ProStor InfiniVault to provide WORM and audit trail functions at the file level were superior to all others we were considering at the time.”
Last month, ProStor Systems announced the general availability of Release 2 of ProStor InfiniVault, which adds new system elements to its feature set, including remote replication, read/write vaults,  dual Ethernet adaptors, and capacity reclamation.
For more information, visit ProStor Systems.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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