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CIMdata Publishes PLM Market and Solution Provider Reports

The consulting and research firm reports the overall PLM market grew to $35 billion in 2013.

CIMdata, a PLM (product lifecycle management) consulting and research firm has released its PLM Market and Solution Provider Analysis reports, as part of its Market Analysis Report Series. This collection of reports provides detailed information and in-depth analysis on the worldwide PLM market during 2013.

The report is presented in five modules:

  1. TheExecutive PLM Market Report provides an overview of CIMdata’s complete global analysis.
  2. The PLM Industry Review and Trends Report focuses on key issues facing the PLM system of solution providers and end user organizations.
  3. The Market and Solution Provider Analysis offers measures and forecasts for the overall PLM market and key segments such as tools, cPDm and digital manufacturing.
  4. The Market Geographic Analysis Report sections the 2013 market results by major geographies, including the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific.
  5. The PLM Market Industry Analysis Report categorizes the market through industry segmentation. Some sectors included are aerospace and defense, automotive and other transportation, electronics as well as fabrication and assembly.

“The PLM market grew 4.8% to $35 billion in 2013, slowing after several high growth years coming out of the global recession,” said Stan Przybylinski, vice president of research, CIMdata, “Results for the PLM leaders moderated in 2013, after getting off to a strong start early in the year. While software sales in some segments remained strong, services are not showing the growth more typical of the PLM market in recent years. CIMdata estimates that the PLM market will have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% to reach $46.2 billion in 2018.”

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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