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CIMdata Announces 2015 PLM Market & Industry Forum Series

The events will be held worldwide throughout March and April of this year.

CIMdata, a PLM (product lifecycle management) consulting and research firm, has released details on its 2015 PLM Market & Industry Forum Series. The one-day events will be held around the globe in March and April. For the events, the overall theme is “Platforms for Innovation: PLM’s Next Evolutionary Step.”

Presentations, according to the company, will offer insights into the economic climate, leading trends and their effects on the PLM economy. In addition to formal presentations, the workshops will also feature discussions on end user focused topics such as defining strategies for global collaboration, issues and solutions for PLM obsolescence and the Internet of Things.

Additional topics to be presented include:

  • “Collaborative Innovation: A New Platform for Growth,” covering how a collaborative approach has helped organizations meet goals.
  • “Beyond Concept Modeling,” focusing on simulation and systems engineering’s support of product design.
  • “The Platformization of PLM,” talking about the industry’s development of business platforms for product innovation and how this will effect the PLM economy.
For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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