CimatronE10 Includes New Mold Design Features

Cimatron introduces SuperBox toolpath off-loading and processing acceleration product.

Cimatron introduces SuperBox toolpath off-loading and processing acceleration product.

By DE Editors

Cimatron Limited announced that CimatronE 10 includes a large selection of enhancements for mold makers. Mold design enhancements include increased ability to use hybrid solid operations to create shutoff and runoff surfaces; new analysis tools to verify design of shutoff and runoff surfaces; a new Lifter applicative tool;  improved analysis capabilities for detection of changes, and more options for automatically applying ECOs and other changes; and improved analysis for solid repair.

The company has also made improvements to the solution’s NC Programming, including background toolpath calculations; higher quality toolpaths for second rough operations; a new finishing strategy; and a new cutter library.

The software also includes CimatronE SuperBox, a toolpath off-loading and processing acceleration device that shortens NC programming time.

For more information, visit Cimatron.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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