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February 20, 2013
“Our new Named User licensing provides flexibility. It is a simple login-based mechanism that allows the users to work with our software on multiple computers,” said CCE’s vice president of sales and marketing Vinay Wagle.
Previously, EnSuite was available only as a desktop license that was “locked” to a single computer. With Named User licensing, users can now install EnSuite on multiple computers (on the same physical network) and use it via a single log-in based access. This feature is useful in large organizations where users often need the flexibility to operate the software on different computers and across multiple departments, the company says. Existing EnSuite users can transition over to this new licensing model free of charge.
“A large number of our customers have the need to use EnSuite across multiple groups in the organization like purchasing, quality control, sales, marketing, engineering and manufacturing,” said Wagle. “Allowing users to utilize the software on multiple computers is a form of floating license, minus the high costs associated with one. Users will be able to opt for the Named User EnSuite license at the same price as the locked EnSuite license.”
For more information, visit CCE.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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