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December 1, 2005
By DE Editors
SmartCAMcnc(Eugene, OR) has announced the release of its SmartCAM V12.5 suitemilling, turning, fabrication, and wire EDM applications. This releasecontinues the modernization of the ACIS-based SmartCAM product family,which had languished for a number of years because of corporateinstability brought on by successive acquisitions.
SmartCAM V12.5 has undergone a variety of architectural and usabilityimprovements that affect the entire application suite. For example, itsmodel files now let you import, create, and name up to 10,000 layersand up to 64 groups. This allows for more flexibility in organizing andmanaging SmartCAM data as well as lets you establish practices thatbest fit your design and manufacturing standards. OpenGL DynamicRendering lets you rotate, zoom, and pan fully rendered design modelswith toolpath and wireframe design elements. You can also now updatethe main SmartCAM interface window with the new Render window viewingorientation should you want.
Also new in SmartCAM V12.5 is the ability to automatically applyhole-making processes to commonly sized or located model features,eliminating manual selection of holes. Groups of holes of a specificsize and process can be created easily. The DXF/DWG/IGES exportfunctionality of the SmartCAM CAM Connection data translator has beenupdated to support current file formats. The SmartCAM applications nowcontain a fully up-to-date, integrated export capability.
Improvements to the SmartCAM suite have been coming regularly since itreemerged in December 2003, and the company has a number ofimprovements planned for 2006. For complete details on the SmartCAMV12.5 suite of manufacturing applications, visit
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