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January 1, 2006
By DE Editors
COADE, Inc.(Houston, TX) announced the release of CAESAR II Version 5.0, anupdated edition of the company’s software for pipe stress analysis. Ithas a new look and some new functional capabilities. Concurrent withthis release, COADE also noted that CAESAR II would now bundle alicense of ISOGEN, a program for producing automatic piping isometricsfrom Alias(Cheshire, UK). The combination will enable engineers to createannotated piping isometrics directly from CAESAR II, thus saving timeand expense over producing them manually.
CAESAR II Version 5.0 includes a revised piping input processor thatintegrates graphics, spreadsheets, and lists in a combined view,smoothing out the analysis process. Sections of the model can begraphically edited, speeding the modeling time, while the integrationof the input processor with the error checker function makes erroridentification and correction operate in an intuitive, iterative way.To simplify model creation and review, relevant sections of thespreadsheet can be “torn off” and arranged on the graphics pane,allowing the user to effectively customize the input spreadsheet layout.
An enhanced static output processor in the new edition lets the usereasily build custom, reusable report templates, using all CAESAR IIoutput data in any combination or order. A consistent mass distributiontechnique in dynamic analysis allows improved accuracy without the needto re-mesh the model. And V 5.0 includes new piping codes EN-13480,GPTC/192 and Z662 Ch. 11; updated codes B31.1, B31.3, B31.5, B31.8,B31.11, ASME NC, ASME ND, CODETI, TBK 5-6, and API 610; new vendorcatalogs Ameron and Conely FRP piping; Binder and PiHASA springhangers; new structural steel databases; and more.
As for the bundled ISOGEN product, COADE has said customer demand for asimple way to create isometric drawings helped lead to the agreementwith Alias. “Our customers have long sought the ability to producestress isometrics from CAESAR II in a timely, simple and accuratemanner,” said Thomas Van Laan, president of COADE. “The engineeringanalyst does not always posses top-notch CAD skills, so we looked for aturnkey product that produces a clean drawing and clearly documents theanalysis, with minimal intervention from the user.”
Once a piping model is created for analysis, isometric drawings can nowbe created inside CAESAR II. In addition to the basic geometry andmaterials data, the drawing can be automatically annotated withadditional piping information such as piping materials and sizes,operating conditions, and restraint functions. Analysis results, suchas pipe stresses, restraint loads, and thermal placements can also beincluded in the drawing when available.
CAESAR II provides the ISOGEN output in several popular formats such asDWG and DXF for AutoCAD. To assist viewing, CAESAR II ships withAutodesk’s DWG TrueView 2.
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