Caedium 3.0 Includes Hybrid CFD Modeling and Cloud Computing

Symscape software allows CFD simulations via Microsoft Azure cloud service.

Symscape software allows CFD simulations via Microsoft Azure cloud service.

By DE Editors

The latest release of Caedium (v3.0) from Symscape can create and perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using hybrid models that mix faceted geometry (e.g., Google SketchUp models) with analytic geometry (e.g., CAD models). Caedium can also use the Microsoft Windows Azure cloud service to perform CFD simulations.

The topology-based operations in Caedium provide a means to combine faceted geometry and analytic geometry into hybrid models for CFD simulations. The toolset also allows non-manifold model creation so that users can create sets of interconnected volumes with six faces each to generate hexahedral elements; assign different initial conditions to different volumes within a flow domain to speed up the convergence rate of a simulation; and create zero-thickness (or double sided) walls to avoid having to resolve extremely thin faces and wasting mesh elements.

Caedium provides two cloud options, Cloud Service (a direct Windows Azure service) and Cloud Burst Service (the Burst to Azure service provided by Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 SP2).

For more information, visit Symscape.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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