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March 2, 2017
International TechneGroup Incorporated (ITI) offers its latest version of Proficiency, ITI’s feature-based CAD migration solution for manufacturers and suppliers.
According to the company, the new Proficiency 16 submission process makes CAD migration easier. Users can submit entire folders of parts and assemblies as a single job. Proficiency’s migration engine can now automatically identify all assembly structures, intermodel links, configurations, family tables and drawings, states ITI via a press release.
Proficiency 16 users can now activate a new flow that processes entire parts in geometry mode. Unlike regular geometry exchange, ITI says the “Fast Geometry” flow exports a part in a single node and not per body, thus achieving better performance. “Fast Geometry” flow also delivers quality to parts that have little or less important feature intelligence.
“CAD migration is a major obstacle for clients during acquisitions or CAD consolidation initiatives. The improved project management features of Proficiency 16 offer users speed and options for feature-based migrations or geometry-only migrations, making it easy for users to complete their CAD migration projects on time,” says Alex Tsechansky, general manager of ITI Proficiency.
Product enhancements in Proficiency 16.0 also include support for the latest versions of CAD software, such as the new interface for feature-based migration to Autodesk Inventor. Users of SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, Creo, Solid Edge and NX can now automatically convert assemblies, parts and drawings to Inventor, maintaining all features and metadata.
Learn more at ITI.
Sources: Press materials received from the company.