Buzz Kross to Keynote KETIV Autodesk Manufacturing Academy

KETIV AMA 2011 held in Oregon on October 27.

KETIV AMA 2011 held in Oregon on October 27.

By DE Editors

KETIV has announced that Sr. Vice President of the Manufacturing Industry Group, Buzz Kross, will be among the instructors to speak at KETIV AMA. Joining Mr. Kross from Autodesk are Charlie Crocker, Kevin Schneider, Sachlene Singh, and Jay Tedeschi.

“The results for our session evaluations clearly indicate that the presenters—and their courses—are just what participants want,” said Kanwar Anand, president and CEO of KETIV Technologies.

Evaluations for all sixteen sessions reported an average score of 4.5 out of 5 for useful content, informative instruction, and would recommend. Sessions for Autodesk Factory Design Suite, Autodesk Vault Check, Autodesk Publisher, and Autodesk Showcase were among the most popular with satisfaction scores as high as 95%. Those unable to attend the Cerritos event are encouraged to contact KETIV for Lake Oswego registration assistance.
Co-sponsored by Autodesk, KETIV AMA 2011 will be held at Autodesk in Lake Oswego, Oregon on Oct. 27, 2011.

For more information, visit KETIV and Autodesk.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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