AVEVA releases Surface Manager 12.1

Improve marine design quality through standards-based transfer of surface to and from external systems.

Improve marine design quality through standards-based transfer of surface to and from external systems.

By DE Editors

AVEVA announced the release of AVEVA Surface Manager 12.1, another new product in its AVEVA Marine portfolio. AVEVA Surface Manager allows the transfer of surfaces to and from external systems by the use of neutral standards.

Features include the import of surfaces from various formats for use in AVEVA Marine, and the ability to graphically display the shape of the geometry. It supports the most commonly used formats (IGES, SAT, DML and STEP AP 203) for the import and export of surfaces. In addition,  AVEVA Surface Manager also enables the extraction of surfaces from existing AVEVA Marine projects for conversion into external formats for use in third-party software.

The new product offers tools for quality assessment of the managed surface and, if needed, can repair defects detected in surfaces transferred from third-party applications in order to be successfully used in the AVEVA Marine applications. For the sub-division of work packages, the solution can also split surfaces so shipyards can protect the investment and confidentiality of their hullforms by only distributing to sub-contractors the part of the hullform they need to do their work.

For more information, visit AVEVA.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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