AVEVA Marine Includes Enhanced Reporting Options

New release features extended language support and data exchange capabilities.

New release features extended language support and data exchange capabilities.

By DE Editors

AVEVA  announced the 12.1 release of its AVEVA Marine solution, which offers enhanced reporting options, improved productivity and extended language support features.

The enhanced reporting options include an enriched User Interface,  enabling sharing across many of the AVEVA Marine modules and other AVEVA products.  Users are able to create report templates via a wizard and can insert images and charts, making it easier to use with a more professional presentation. Users also benefit through the standard model library, which allows them to reuse designs from existing built-in complex components, reducing the man-hours spent on the design.

AVEVA Marine also includes extended language support features and extended data exchange capabilities, as well as greater flexibility when working within an Integrated Engineering & Design environment due to the automatic creation of symbolic-type marine drawings from the model database, as well as general 2D drafting functions.

For more information, visit AVEVA.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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