AutoSolids 4.0 Announced

AutoSolids increases with advanced solid modeling, viewing, and 3D-to-2D automation tools.

AutoSolids increases with advanced solid modeling, viewing, and 3D-to-2D automation tools.

By DE Editors

AutoSolids, Inc. (ASI; Pace, FL) has released Version 4.0 of itsAutoSolids and AutoSolids Express software. Both products addparametric 3D solid modeling, advanced visualization, and 3D-to-2Dautomation tools to AutoCAD- and AutoCAD-based products. AutoSolids andAutoSolids Express are available for AutoCAD 14.01 through 2006 and allversions of Mechanical Desktop and Architectural Desktop.

AutoSolids is said to provide AutoCAD users with advanced solid modeling,viewing, and 3D-to-2D automation tools. Version 4.0 enhancesAutoSolids’ solid modeling capabilities with new shelling and offsettools and the ability to punch and trim 3D solids with open or closed2D entities, according to the company.

AutoSolids’ constraint-free parametric solid modeling system maintainsthe complete construction history of all solids, enabling the creationof 3D models in less time than with traditional constraint-basedsystems. Its offers parametric editing tools, the ability to changeextrusion heights easily, reshaping of sweep paths and profiles, andthe ability to undo Boolean operations easily.

AutoSolids has a so-called “RealView” toolset that improves the real-time displayof 3D solids and a “QuickDraw” feature that creates multi-view 2Dgeometry from 3D solids instantly. Miscellaneous features includeparametric solid arrays and direct extrusion of text into solids, andother utility features. AutoSolids maintains native DWG formats at alltimes.

AutoSolids 4.0 is a free update for existing users. New single-userlicenses of AutoSolids are $495; new licenses of AutoSolids Express are$295. Time-unlimited demo  versions, video demonstrations of majorfeatures, and full details are available by clicking here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company. Additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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