Autodesk to Acquire Motion Analysis Developer

Kinematics/motion tools to be integrated with Autodesk's line.

Kinematics/motion tools to be integrated with Autodesk's line.

By DE Editors

Autodesk, Inc. (San Rafael, CA) has announced the acquisition of SolidDynamics, SA, a French developer of kinematics/dynamics technology.Solid Dynamics’ technology is already a certified application ofAutodesk Inventor 3D design software..

Solid Dynamics’ technology is vital to designers who want to simulatethe motion of mechanical assemblies without the expense of buildingphysical prototypes, thereby significantly reducing costs and time tomarket. This increased design efficiency allows designers to realizetheir ideas, spending more time on innovative designs that provide adistinct business advantage.

In a written statement Robert Kross, vice president of Autodesk’sManufacturing Solutions Division said that “This acquisition allows]Autodesk] to incorporate Solid Dynamics’ technology and engineeringteam directly into the Autodesk family, providing highly specializedcapabilities and expertise to our customers. The Solid Dynamicstechnology is recognized in the industry as best in class—exactly whatwe look for as we extend our solution capabilities and further ourcommitment to the manufacturing market.”

Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.


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