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Autodesk Makes Available Single Sign-On on Its Plans

SSO uses a single point of authentication, so passwords are received and validated only by the identity provider.

SSO uses a single point of authentication, so passwords are received and validated only by the identity provider.

As the result of listening to customer feedback about its plan offerings, Autodesk says in discovering its users value the security that comes with single sign-on (SSO), so it is now extending the benefit of SSO to all Autodesk plans.  

Effective in May 2023, SSO is now included as a benefit to Standard plan customers. 

“The Autodesk Identity team and our partners across Autodesk are excited to announce the availability of SSO for Standard plan customers,” says Goutham Garimella, vice president of Identity & Licensing at Autodesk. “SSO provides a seamless user experience, enhanced security, and administrative convenience. We value our customers’ feedback and look forward to continuing to invest in and deliver on these objectives in the future.” 

Benefits of Single Sign-On

With SSO, users can access Autodesk products and services using the same email and password they use for their organization, saving time for users If they only need to remember one password, they are less likely to request a password reset. In addition, if they are already signed into their organization’s network, they will not need to sign in again to access Autodesk. 

SSO uses a single point of authentication, so passwords are received and validated only by the identity provider. Since users only need to remember one password, bad security habits such as writing down passwords are minimized. 

Admins only need to maintain one email and password combination for each user, and password policies applied to the network are also applied to Autodesk services. If an Admin needs to revoke an employee’s email access, they will also lose access to each of the Autodesk solutions they’re assigned to at once—no need to revoke access to each service individually. 

How to Get Started With SSO? 

Visit the Single Sign-on Set Up Guide for more information on where to begin, how to implement SSO, and to see other frequently asked questions. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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