Aug ‘05 Readers’ Choice Award: CFdesign Implementation Services

CFdesign Implementation Services Group from Blue Ridge Numerics

CFdesign Implementation Services Group from Blue Ridge Numerics

By DE Editors

CFdesign Implementation Services Group from Blue Ridge Numerics  CFdesign Helps OEMs Standardize Upfront CFD

The CFdesign Implementation Services (CIS) Group is aimed at helping clients produce a rapid and sustainable ROI by fully leveraging CFdesign upfront in the product design process. According to Blue Ridge Numerics (Charlottesville, VA), the CIS Group will provide customers with services supplied by experienced engineers with proven track records in MCAD/CAE usage, product development, design validation, and CFD.

Services immediately available include on-site customized training of engineering teams while better equipping them to prepare and use customer geometry, and to use simulation techniques that are specific to customer applications. The group will also provide training in advanced flow and thermal functionality that can be used on-demand by mechanical engineers, and best-practice development to ensure all members of the team have equally developed skills and access to a standardized knowledge base.

The CIS Group will serve as a project resource to generate simulation results for each candidate design variation, as a consulting service for product development, and as a short-term engineering placement service when a customer loses a valuable team member or when the volume of project work might exceed team capabilities.

CFdesign Implementation Services Group from Blue Ridge Numerics received the most votes in our April 2005 issue. Vote for your favorite product from this issue at the end of the Products section.

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