ASME International Gas Turbine Institute Announces Scholarship Program

Will award up to 10 $2,000 scholarships annually.

Will award up to 10 $2,000 scholarships annually.

By DE Editors

The ASME International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) has announced a scholarship program that will provide up to 10 $2,000 scholarships each year to qualified students.

Through the years, IGTI has provided more than $1 million in academic scholarships.

To be considered for a scholarship, a student of high academic standing must be enrolled at an accredited college or university (U.S. or international) that has a gas turbine program or related content within its engineering curriculum.

The application deadline for the 2011 Student Scholarship Program is May 15, 2011. Recipients of the scholarships will be notified in September 2011, with funding awarded in October.

For instructions and application, visit

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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