Artes Calculi Announces Robin Hood Solver

Electrostatic modeling and simulation solution can also be used in classrooms.

Electrostatic modeling and simulation solution can also be used in classrooms.

By DE Editors

Artes Calculi, a spin-off of the Ru ‘er Bo kovi Institute, has announced the release of Robin Hood Solver 1.0 for electrostatic modeling and simulation.

The software is intended for engineers, researchers and educators who have a need for electrostatic modeling and simulations in their work. It can be used in research institutions or in a number of industries and interest areas, including nanotechnology, MEMS development,  electrostatic painting, electrostatic printing or clamping, design of electron or ion optics systems, design of supercapacitors and nanocapacitors, electrostatic capacitance tomography, electrostatic spectroscopy and so on.

Thanks to its visualization module, the software can also be used in classrooms, as an effective way of teaching students the basics of electrostatic simulations.

Robin Hood Solver uses a BEM method called Robin Hood method, developed by the scientists at Ru ‘er Bo koviInstitute in Zagreb, Croatia.

The memory use in the solution grows linearly with the number of elements included in calculation. According to the company, the practical advantage of this low-memory requirement is the fact that Robin Hood Solver can execute complex calculations while running on an off-the-shelf notebook computer.

For more information, visit Artes Calculi.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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