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Arena Solutions, EMA Partner for Platform Integration

The companies are joining OrCAD with Arena PLM.

EMA, a provider of EDA (electronic design automation) solutions, has partnered with Arena Solutions to combine Arena PLM (product lifecycle management) and its data management solution.

The combination of OrCad and Arena, according to a company press release, provides a number of benefits. Components from the PLM software are directly available in the OrCAD design system. Parts listed as obsolete can be quickly identified and replaced. OrCAD users now have the ability to create zero-touch BOMs (bill of materials) that can be imported into Arena PLM and shared.

“Improving the integration between OrCAD and Arena helps companies design products with fewer iterations, saving time, avoiding errors, and eliminating manual entry,” said Steve Chalgren, vice president of Product Management and Strategy at Arena. “This allows companies to bring products to market faster, reduce prototyping and scrap, and collaborate on product changes with strategic partners across the globe.”

For more information, visit EMA and Arena Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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