April 2006 - Readers’ Choice Award: Autodesk Consulting

By DE Editors

Autodesk Initiates Start-to-Finish Customized Process Consulting

Autodesk (San Rafael, CA) is branching out into the world of business process consulting. The developer of Autodesk AliasStudioTools, Autodesk ImageStudio, and Autodesk PortfolioWall design software says customized consulting and design services are next generation of business growth. To that end, Autodesk is hoping to educate manufacturers to become visually intelligent, improving efficiency in product development while refocusing efforts on design and innovation. Think of it as PLM (product lifecycle management) with a visual design emphasis for innovation.

Currently working toward those ends with 10 “of the world’s largest design companies,” according to Drew Mattison, Autodesk’s design industry manager, the service entails a strategic assessment of the company’s processes from initial design sketch to product packaging and yields an ROI-driven digital manufacturing roadmap. It involves a lot of research and can engage everything from hiring qualified designers to how an accountant keeps track of payables.

Because it’s a customized service that is tailored to each company’s specific needs, the full monty can cost anywhere from $200,000 to a cool million or more. In the end, the result everyone is looking for is increased innovation.

For complete details, visit autodesk.com.

Autodesk Consulting received the most votes in our January 2006 issue.  Vote for your favorite product from this issue by going to the last page of the Products.

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