Ansys Debuts ConceptEV for Enhanced EV Drive Range

ConceptEV optimizes development of electric vehicle powertrains for improved driving range and battery charge times, Ansys reports.

ConceptEV optimizes development of electric vehicle powertrains for improved driving range and battery charge times, Ansys reports.

Simulated performance of a dual-motor EV powertrain across the drive cycle, showing predicted driving range and energy efficiency. Image courtesy of Ansys.

Ansys makes available a new software-as-a-service cloud-native offering, Ansys ConceptEV. The solution enables component and system engineers to work together on EV powertrain concept designs through a model-based approach—facilitating early design decisions for improved EV driving range and battery charge times, lower development costs, and faster time to market, according to Ansys.

EV powertrains are complex systems comprised of core functional components including the battery, inverter, motor and transmission. To develop an efficient powertrain, the components must be designed and optimized as part of the system, not separately. A system-level design approach is crucial to increasing the driving range and efficiency of EVs while decreasing the cost.

ConceptEV is an accessible solution capable of linking component designs to system-level requirements. Specification and component design changes are implemented and traceable, empowering users to evaluate and quantify system trade-offs for tpowertrain design. The model-based approach facilitates rapid analysis of the complete system against requirements.

“ConceptEV is flipping the script on traditional EV powertrain workflows and enabling customers to pursue a more robust, data-driven result,” says Shane Emswiler, senior vice president of products at Ansys. “The solution brings together cross-functional teams in an open environment that encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing to foster innovation. The powertrain is the heart of a vehicle’s performance, so having the right tools to optimize its design to make it lighter, more durable, and more cost-effective is critical.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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