ANSYS 18 Released

ANSYS 18 extends to make engineering simulation pervasive across the entire product lifecycle.

Dear DE Reader:

Sponsored ContentANSYS just released version 18 of its portfolio of engineering simulation software. ANSYS 18 sees major enhancements across such engineering disciplines as structures, thermal, fluids, electronics, embedded software and systems engineering.

Um, wait. That’s accurate but too unassuming. ANSYS 18 is more interesting than that. Today’s Check it Out link takes you to a landing page where you’ll find five on-demand webinars on what’s new in version ANSYS 18 divvied up by engineering type. But it’s the overarching theme of this release that so interesting. To wit: technological transformation in manufacturing and product development.

What ANSYS really did with the ANSYS 18 announcement is plant its flag around a concept called “Pervasive Engineering Simulation.” Essentially, simulation has evolved and extended its reach in response to the complexity of things and that evolution is speeding up.

See, you already use simulation to explore a product’s design space, virtually test thousands of potential designs and digitally prototype. Pervasive engineering embraces that and extends simulation into operations and maintenance, meaning simulation pervades the entire product lifecycle. Think the Internet of Things (IoT) and its merger of digital and physical worlds applied to a product’s lifecycle.

A simple example: Sensors on some machine streaming near real-time operational data help you keep the machine humming. Simulating a digital twin of that machine empowers you to use predictive analytics to foresee or even forestall trouble before it happens. All this data and reaction builds knowledge that you will use to improve the next generation of the product.

ANSYS 18 Pervasive Engineering Digital exploration, digital prototyping and digital twins are key components within the concept of “Pervasive Engineering Simulation” introduced by ANSYS. Image courtesy of ANSYS Inc.

You’ll find this articulated in each webinar, but most thoroughly in the first, “Taming Product Complexity with Pervasive Engineering Simulation.” Here, you’re stepped through the components of the pervasive engineering simulation concept—digital exploration, digital prototyping and digital twins. Testimonials from some innovative engineering companies and manufacturers already applying pervasive engineering simulation methodologies illustrate what it means in the real world.

After that 25-minute presentation, check out the remaining webinars. They focus on the major enhancements in ANSYS 18—fluid dynamics, electromagnetic simulation, mechanical simulation and embedded software and system simulation—so home in on your thing. Each runs an hour long and includes some quick demos, expert speakers as well as question and answer sessions.

Your wrap-up: ANSYS 18 has a ton going on, your workflow is changing and you ain’t see nothing yet. Hit today’s Check it Out link. Fascinating stuff.

Thanks, Pal. – Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood

Editor at Large, DE

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Anthony J. Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood is Digital Engineering’s founding editor. He is now retired. Contact him via [email protected].

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