Amphibious Vehicle Manufacturer Relies on Autodesk Simulation

ARKTOS Developments uses software to determine how amphibious craft will perform in extreme environments.

ARKTOS Developments uses software to determine how amphibious craft will perform in extreme environments.

By DE Editors

ARKTOS Developments (ADL), the designer and manufacturer of the ARKTOS Craft amphibious vehicle, is using Autodesk Simulation software in its product design process.

Originally designed as an amphibious evacuation craft for Arctic offshore oil facilities, the ARKTOS Craft can move from frigid temperatures through burning flames and back again, as in the case of evacuating a burning oil rig. Additionally, the ARKTOS Craft can navigate ice-rubble fields, ice ridges and open water “and can even climb up or down vertical steps.

Valmont West Coast Engineering, which provides finite element analysis (FEA) services to ADL, was responsible for predicting vehicle performance in these severe environments. We used Autodesk Simulation technology to predict critical stresses for the ARKTOS at extreme temperatures and loading conditions, said Valmont engineer Ioan Giosan. After finding an optimal design using FEA methods, we relied on physical testing and field use to validate the accuracy of our results.

The key to the ARKTOS Crafts mobility is an articulated arm between the vessels two main compartments. As the Craft climbs up onto an ice shelf from the water, the hydraulics in that arm help push the front unit of the Craft up out of the water so that the special track spikes can grab the ice.

Using the multiphysics capabilities of the Autodesk software, Valmont was able to show ADL engineers how thermal stress caused by temperature extremes would combine with mechanical stress within the articulated arm between the units. Additionally, since the arm would see repeated compressive and tensile loading, Valmont also analyzed fatigue life using the Autodesk Simulation multiphysics tools.

For more information, visit Autodesk.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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