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Altium Delivers Team Configuration Management Solution

Company releases Vault Server 1.2 in conjunction with Team Configuration Center.

Company releases Vault Server 1.2 in conjunction with Team Configuration Center.

Altium announced the release of Altium Vault Server Version 1.2 and the all-new product Team Configuration Center (TC2).

Hosted on an organization’s own network infrastructure, the Altium Vault manages native electronic design data, including its revision history, life-cycle state and supply chain information. This new release adds ability to migrate data from one vault to another, and enhanced support for connecting to corporate enterprise systems, such as ERP and PLM.

According to the company, the solution ensures that files released to manufacture meet release requirements and approvals.

“We often see talented design teams having to work within processes that actually stifle innovation and provide little supply chain information during the design phase,” said, Marc Depret, product manager at Altium. “Engineers can spend as much as half their day just managing data. With Altium Vault Server 1.2, they can focus on innovation, not endless paperwork and inefficient checklists.”

Based on Vault technology, Altium’s new Team Configuration Center (TC2) helps organizations centralize and standardize their design environment. Everything from design tool setup and configuration to document templates and manufacturing file formats can be set up and automatically deployed to each engineer’s desktop.

According to the company, the TC2 solution helps ensure that designers are working in a company approved design environment; that they are using CAD library components that are known to be good and have acceptable supply chain solutions; and that they are handing off designs to manufacturing that have passed checking and are in the correct format.

For more information, visit Altium.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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