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Altair Expands Use of Siemens D-Cubed

Extends license for use throughout HyperWorks product line.

Extends license for use throughout HyperWorks product line.

Altair Engineering has licensed Siemens’ D-Cubed software components for use throughout its product offerings. Altair selected D-Cubed 2D Dimensional Constraint Manager (DCM) and D-Cubed 3D DCM software from Siemens’ product lifecycle management (PLM) software business unit to provide geometric constraint solving capability for its applications.

Altair currently uses 2D DCM in its solidThinking Inspire software, a tool that generates structurally efficient design concepts. This new agreement extends the rights to use 2D DCM in applications throughout the Altair HyperWorks product line and beyond, and adds the same rights for 3D DCM.

“Having already integrated and released D-Cubed 2D DCM in solidThinking Inspire, and being a long-term Parasolid software licensee for solidThinking Evolve, we were well aware of the impressive quality of Siemens’ PLM Components software as well as the outstanding technical support that Siemens provides,” said Massimo Fariello, senior vice president, software technology alliances and strategies, Altair. “This new agreement provides the framework to leverage Siemens software components more broadly in our development of high-quality digital product design and engineering simulation solutions.”

For more information, visit Altair and Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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