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April 1, 2006
By DE Editors
Alias Ltd(Runcorn, UK) announced the release of I-View CAD 2, the latest versionof its piping isometrics converter. It works with ISOGEN enabledsystems in either IDF or PCF formats and converts to either aMicroStation DGN or AutoCAD DWG 3D model file format. According toAlias, users do not need extensive knowledge of AutoCAD or MicroStationto produce 3D piping models with I-View CAD.
Pipeline and component attribute information read directly from theinput files or imported from an external data source can also beincluded in the model output. Models and the attribute data theycontain can easily be reviewed in design visualization applicationslike SmartPlant Review and NavisWorks. Existing model files containingother plant items such as equipment and steelwork can also bereferenced alongside the piping model to provide a comprehensive 3Dview of a complete plant model.
Among I-View CAD 2.0’s new features is a full-scale 3D symbolic modeloutput, extended support for pipeline and component attributes, anoption to display Pipeline Placeholders on the piping model output thatholds the attributes associated with the pipe, the ability to importattribute data from other ODBC data sources, and support for review of3D model and attribute data in SmartPlant Review and NavisWorks.There’s also a new interface, configurable graphic display, andimproved graphics, according to a press release on the software.
I-View CAD 2 runs on Windows NT4, 2000 and XP. For more information, visit
Sources: Press materials received from the company.
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