Alaris30 Printer for the Desktop Launched by Objet

Objet Geometries' new printer is small enough to fit on a desk.

Objet Geometries' new printer is small enough to fit on a desk.

By DE Editors


Objet Geometries Ltd. (Rehovot,  Israel;  announced the launch of its newest printer, the Alaris30. The desktop model is truly small enough to fit on a desk and allows designers and manufacturers to create detailed models with smooth “finished quality” surfaces, moving parts and clear text.

Using Objet’s PolyJet Photopolymer Jetting Technology, the Alaris30 achieves high accuracy and resolution (600 x 600 dpi) by jetting proprietary FullCure photopolymer materials in 28µ layers. The Alaris30 print heads use a VeroWhite model material and FullCure Support material to jet identical amounts of materials onto the tray synchronously. This printer is suitable for printing complex geometries such as cavities,  overhangs, delicate features and walls as thin as 0.6mm and undercuts.

The Alaris30 works like a network printer in an office, making it available to multiple designers throughout the firm. Both large or many smaller models can be built at the same time on the printer’s 300x200x150mm build tray.

In addition, the printer has four cartridge loading permits for up to 36 hours of unattended printing. Moreover,  the Alaris30 requires no special electricity requirements and requires only simple office printer management.

For more information, visit Objet Geometries.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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