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Accenture’s Digital PLM Services Recognized by CIMdata

The company states Accenture's services enable customers to improve business performance.

Accenture‘s technology and services for helping clients with product innovation and development have been recognized by CIMdata. The organization has been accredited for providing products and services that enable customers to improve business performance.

In a commentary from CIMdata, Accenture’s Digital PLM (product lifecycle management) Development Network are assessed and examined. The platform provides the tools to manage all information and data of a product across an enterprise. Overall, the report covers how new technologies can be applied to transform operating models and new revenue streams.

Accenture’s development framework is designed around a network approach to PLM, with the product definition data at the center of the model. It is built on social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies to provide a robust platform.

The company launched Accenture Product Lifecycle Services in June, which combines capabilities from strategy, digital, technology and operations growth platforms.

“Accenture believes that Digital Industry 4.0, where highly intelligent cyber physical systems are connected to create the Industrial Internet of Things, requires better integration of engineering and product development; production and technology; and supply chain with marketing and sales for efficient product development,” said Eric Schaffer, senior managing director, Accenture. “This digital network approach to PLM will help companies improve product innovation and overcome the complexities of managing a product through its lifecycle.”

For more information, visit Accenture.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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Jess Lulka

Jess Lulka is a former associate editor for Digital Engineering. Contact her via [email protected].

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