Remcom Announces New Circuit Element Optimizer

The module can help simplify the antenna matching workflow, the company states.

Remcom has launched a new Circuit Element Optimizer for its XFdtd Electromagnetic Simulation software. This module determines lumped element values based on radiation efficiency, system efficiency and S-parameters.

By doing this, the company states, the antenna matching workflow is simplified since circuit elements remain in the electromagnetic layout structure during optimization. The Circuit Element Optimizer can be used for matching applications such as:

  • A single antenna with a single band of operation
  • A single antenna with multiple bands (with or without tunable components)
  • Matching circuits for multiple antennas including MIMO
“Traditionally, RF (radio frequency) engineers have had to simplify and idealize their matching circuits in schematics that are separated from the EM simulation. This simplification into a lumped element schematic requires perfect grounds and overlooks the coupling and transmission line effects of the interconnect metal and the antennas. XF’s Circuit Element Optimizer is unique because it allows design engineers to optimize the lumped circuit elements directly in the physical matching circuit layout where the EM coupling from multiple antennas and the ground return current paths are taken into account,” said Jeff Barney, product marketing manager at Remcom.

For more information, visit Remcom.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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