MELD Prints 10-Foot Aluminum Cylinder

Open-air printing process used to create large cylinder with off-the-shelf aluminum.

Open-air printing process used to create large cylinder with off-the-shelf aluminum.

MELD Manufacturing Corporation CEO Nanci Hardwick inside the large diameter cylinder printed with the MELD process. Image courtesy of MELD.

MELD Manufacturing Corp. has printed what it says is the largest aluminum cylinder ever printed with its open-air MELD process. The company printed the 10-ft. diameter cylinder using off-the-shelf aluminum to demonstrate the scalability of its print technology. 

MELD beat its previous record for printed cylinder size, shown here with the newest cylinder. Image courtesy of MELD.

“There is no other technology that offers this ability to scale,” stated MELD Manufacturing Corporation CEO Nanci Hardwick.

The MELD process allows the use of off the shelf metals in solid or powder form, can create fully dense parts, and operates in an open-air environment. The patented process does not melt the metal, and according to the company, “facilitates wrought properties in printed material.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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