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Concepts NREC Unveils AEDS 2011

Software includes integrated finite element analysis.

Software includes integrated finite element analysis.

By DE Editors

Concepts NREC(CN)  is shipping the 2011 version of its Agile Engineering Design System (AEDS 2011) software. The company has made more than 250 feature enhancements to the solution, including the new Pushbutton FEA module for finite element analysis (FEA).

AEDS 2011 fully integrates the stress preparation code, STRESSPREP,  into AxCent and adds an FEA solver in order to calculate or perform static, thermal and modal analysis earlier in the design process. This allows the aerodynamic and mechanical design to be conducted simultaneously, reducing design cycle times. In addition, Pushbutton FEA, STL, STEP and improved IGES file export have been implemented.

For more information, visit Concepts NREC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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