BigRep Announces HAGE3D Acquisition

BigRep notes that the companies jointly offer a comprehensive portfolio of industrial 3D printers.

BigRep notes that the companies jointly offer a comprehensive portfolio of industrial 3D printers.

Reinhard Festag (Managing Director, BigRep), Matthias Katschnig (CTO, HAGE3D), Sven Thate (Managing Director, BigRep), and Thomas Janics (CEO, HAGE3D) at Formnext 2023. Image courtesy of BigRep.

BigRep announces the acquisition of HAGE3D. In a statement, BigRep noted, “This partnership signals a giant leap toward our vision of becoming a full-solution ecosystem for a range of low to high-temperature applications, offering a powerhouse of innovation and possibilities.”

BigRep notes that the companies jointly offer a comprehensive portfolio of industrial 3D printers, featuring up to 1 cubic meter build volume and the capabilities of a range of high-performance, engineering-grade thermoplastic materials in low, mid, and high-temperature build chambers. 

HAGE3D, known for its high-temperature 3D printers and open AM platform, will enable BigRep to offer a full spectrum of low-to-high-temperature solutions, according to BigRep.

Both companies reportedly are committed to the development of intelligent FFF (fused filament fabrication) technology, making the production of complex, large-format functional parts accessible to manufacturers worldwide.

“For our worldwide customers, this acquisition makes us their local provider of open industrial AM solutions across all temperature levels, unlocking limitless material options,” says Dr.‐Ing. Sven Thate, managing director of BigRep GmbH. “Together, with similar mindsets of customer-centric, data-driven innovation, we plan to form a European leader pushing the limits of what is possible with FFF.”

“With BigRep we have found a perfect partner to accelerate the attractive global growth opportunities in the industrial AM sector,” adds Thomas Janics, managing director of HAGE3D. “While our focus was previously on the German‐speaking markets, we now can provide our products globally through BigRep´s sales network, adding Graz to the map of technology centers next to BigRep’s in Berlin, Boston, Shanghai and Singapore. It’s a win‐win in R&D, production, and sales.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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