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October 1, 2004
By DE Editors
LMS Virtual.Lab Designer is a new CATIA V5 add-on that gives usersdirect access to dedicated simulation solutions for system dynamics,acoustics, and durability from LMS International (Leuven, Belgium; suite also delivers mesh-based design capabilities that allow usersto quickly modify FE simulation models and to efficiently analyzemultiple design options. Because it’s fully embedded in the CATIA V5environment, it enables analysis of parts and systems up-front in thedesign process in the user’s native PLM solution.
Designer also provides direct access to a broad range of simulationcapabilities for structural analysis using NASTRAN and ANSYS. The CATIAV5-embedded simulation capabilities eliminate time-consuming datatransfers and translations, guarantee a full association between theCAD design and simulation processes, and greatly facilitate theanalysis of multiple design options. It is fully compatible andupscalable to the complete LMS Virtual.Lab suite, which offersintegrated simulation capabilities for multiple engineeringdisciplines. This allows CATIA V5 users to supplement their simulationcapabilities with advanced functionality and industry specific verticalsimulation applications, and to gradually extend their installation asthe scope and diversity of their simulation needs evolves.
For complete details, visit the LMS website.
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